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For over a year, one of my new supervisors has done everything that she could to make my work life miserable because she believes that an acrion taken long before her arrival was aimmed at her. Well, I've made a single mistake at my job...the first ...Read Moreand only that I've made in almost 8 years...and I am afraid that she will move to terminate me on Tueday using my mistake as the pretense. I am praying for God's protection and provision no matter what comes, and for the Lord to send me a new job quickly regardless of what happens on Tuesday. I am in desperate need of the Lord's grace, mercy and favor.
I have been depressed for almost 2 months now. I am pleading to God for a restart to my life, and for renewed hope and energy, and for a Godly marriage to start my own family after losing my biological one to death. In Jesus name I ask. Amen.
This prayer is for Ira as he goes thrigh a hard time with his wife Samantha as she is trying to end their marriage she has no understanding of what marriage is and the consequences of destroying what she made a commitment to God when she said her vo...Read Morews to him
plz pray; Steven; in indefinite quarantine; Salvation; immuno - compromised; osteoporosis;thx
Going through a trying time. The enemy is using heavy spiritual warfare through my family and keeping me isolated. Please pray for God's will and that He may deliver me from this fiery trial.
hello please pray for my health and healing, physical healing, emotional healing, family, financial needs. healing and deliverance, freedom from depression and anxiety, worry, stress, sufferings. Gods grace and mercy. Gods protection, guidance, wisdo...Read Morem and strength. prayers to pray for my enemies and overcome them through Christ. Gods plans, will, direction, prosperity, blessings, miracles in my life. thanks and God bless
Dear Lord Jesus , I pray for all who are calling on the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ that their prayers will be heard that the Lord will bless and keep them from the evil and the wicked ones and too please shut the lions mouth dear Lord I believe th...Read Moreat you still here’s and answer a sinner prayer I thank you Heavenly Father in our Lird Jesus Christ Amen. Amen,Amen
Please pray for comfort, peace, and strength for Elysia. Pray that our Great Holy Spirit will help her take traumatic thoughts captive and replace them with the Truth.
I am severely depressed and I want my life to end as soon as possible so I am reunited with Jesus. In Jesus name I ask, Amen.
Thank you Lord for the reduced anxiety and negative thoughts to start my day today. Thank you for reminding me of how you carried me thru my darkest days in the past. Thank you for the beautiful hope that you shown me in my current stressful situatio...Read Moren. Thank you for remininding me of your steadfastness in your love for us. Thank you for allowing me to spend time with you yesterday. Father you know my struggles and needs father. I place them at your feet as I am tired. Please bless me with your light yolk, fruition of the fulfillment of the hope you have given to me and your peace. I ask for these blessing, believing in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ. AMEN!