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Please pray for Phil to gain strength and stamina. He has MS and is struggling. Thank you and God Bless you!
Pray my upcoming knee surgery will this time be completely successful so I can strap my leg; and that the recovery will be swift. Thank You
JESUS we ask YOU to heal/calm all those in need; also adam,steve&marina,biff,ben,robert&deb,randy&teka,mar,lil mar,matt,jamal&family,camilla,johnny s ,dal&fatima, de&mochina,lau&maria, fernandinha, all who work with children Amen
Holy Spirit, please help me. The pain is terrible. Please bless Steve with a good eye report.
Please pray for Kathy and newborn, complicated Birth, Kathryn in grave condition in ICU, has arrested twice, baby in NICU
My Friends;pelae continually intercede for Bruce; 3 skin problems;thx
Please pray for Phil who is having a very hard time with his MS. He’s very fatigued and weak and he falls. He’s developed an ulcer. Also, his house was destroyed by raw sewage, and he’s having trouble getting it fixed. Thank you and God bless you!
Please pray for Patti in DE. Pray her arm gets better. Pray for good health.
Please pray for my friend who recently found out she has cancer. The plan is for her to get chemo to shrink tumor enough so she can get a hysterectomy. Pray for her and her brother who will be taking her to all medical appointments and all in med...Read Moreical community who care for her. SHE WANTS TO DEFEAT THE CANCER AND LIVE MANY MORE HEALTHY HAPPY YEARS.
Please pray for K who is having flu symptoms in the middle of selling and moving with her three young children