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Dear God Heal me, Lord. Heal the damage that has been done to my mind and heart. Protect me from men that don’t have my best interest at heart. I want to completely be able to love again like you intended. If I am the problem please change my mind...Read Moreset attitude and heart so I can be a good wife to my future husband. Protect my physical and emotional well being. In The Name Of Jesus, Amen
Dear Lord Jesus Pleaee bless and pray for Joe Pinto he is asking too many intrusive questions Amen
I would like to request prayer for my friend and her Christian family bakery. Thank you, Emily
Dear Lord Jesus Thanks for answered prayers Amen
Dear Lord Jesus Please bless and pray that Günes Balcan Stony heart will be melted away and it will soften it's been too long now Günes is having this anger, frustration, unkindness and stubbornness please reconcile and restore our relationship ba...Read Moreck again Amen
Dear Lord Jesus Please bless and pray for me. I don't know if it is due to my autism or anxiety but I get vert over sensitive and over emotional most of the time and find it very hard to manage my emotions. I feel people are laughing at me even th...Read Moreough they are not and it is getting worse I feel attacked and physically low and depressed because of it. Amen
Dear Lord Jesus Please bless and pray for Günes Balcan to be set free from the attacks of the enemy. Please remove all her stubbornness, negative behaviors towards our relationship and reconcile us back together. Help Günes to change from ignoring,...Read More avoidance and mood swings. Amen
Romans 12:19-21 NIV Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written “It is mine to avenge. I will repay,” says the Lord. On the contrary, “If your enemy is hungry, feed him. if he is thirsty, give him something...Read More to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.” Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. So that I may please you and bring you even more glory, please help me to love and forgive others as you have loved and forgiven me Lord. I am not capable of your kind of love and forgiveness without your direct blessings, guidance and grace. Please help me to overcome. I ask foe this blessing in the mighty name of our Father in Heaven, His Son and our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. AMEN!
Dear Lord Jesus Please bless and pray for my love and partner Güneş Balcan and our relationship to come back together and for the parents to also be kind and understanding of us. May our relationship be back and restored and reconciled in togethe...Read Morerness. Amen
Prayer to not look older than I am. Prayer to meet a man that is attractive, and is attracted to me that will fulfill something in me. A desire to be married and give birth to two beautiful babies. Prayer for an open womb.