Christmas Eve/Day


by Maria Kane

In the joy of your Incarnation, we pray to you this day:
Come, let us adore him.

God has heard our cries; the Messiah has been born!
Come, let us adore him.

Our dreams have come true: the Savior will redeem all of creation.
Come, let us adore him.

God has not abandoned us: we will never be alone.
Come, let us adore him.

Joy has been exemplified: death cannot have the last word!
Come, let us adore him.

Peace has been promised to us: weapons of war will one day be no more.
Come, let us adore him.

The midnight cries of a baby will soon become the redeeming words of forgiveness.
Come, let us adore him.

In the incarnation of your love, you have transformed our humanity into the promise of glory.
May the love that gave birth to this day, be born in us each day.

Maria Kane is an Episcopal priest, writer, and historian of American religion. This fall, she began she began serving as rector of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Waldorf, MD. Her greatest joy is being godmother to her two young godchildren.

Credit: Advent/Christmas prayers by Maria Kane. © 2014 Alive Now. Permission granted to use in corporate worship settings. From November/December 2014 Alive Now. Copyright © 2014 by The Upper Room.

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