by Steve Garnaas-Holmes
Like Mary, who says Yes to your promise,
and farmers in hope for their crops,
we welcome your good news in peace:
your grace that will upend our world,
we receive with patience and hope.
Your justice that brings down the mighty,
that feeds the hungry and poor,
we welcome, and ask for your courage.
In peace we say Yes to your peace.
In peace we welcome the miracle:
may your life unfold within us in light.
The desert will blossom, the blind will see,
and we will return from our exile
to be one with each other again.
Like Mary, who says Yes to your promise,
in peace we say Yes to your peace.
Steve Garnaas-Holmes is a poet, songwriter, and ordained pastor in the UMC in MA, where he lives with his wife, Beth. He writes a daily reflection, Unfolding Light (, as well as lectionary-based music and worship resources.
Credit: Advent/Christmas prayers by Steve Garnaas-Holmes. © 2013 Alive Now. Permission granted to use in corporate worship settings. From November/December 2013 Alive Now. Copyright © 2013 by The Upper Room.
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