Easter Sunday Prayer


by Claire McKeever-Burgett

The sun peeked its face up and over the eastern horizon this
morning, announcing light and life. It was a mellow orange hue
at first, slowly breaking into the bright of yellow and the sun of
the dawn.
The sun rose this morning along with Jesus and along with
each of us.

A miracle, some say. A gift, proclaim others. Either way, we know
that resurrection and new life are true. We feel it in the sun’s
warmth. We hear it in our friend’s laughter. We taste it in a delicious
piece of bread. We smell it in the growing grass.
Yes, in the midst of our own distrust and perplexity, fear
and bewilderment, we rise with the women walking to the
tomb, with the sun peeking over the horizon, with Jesus
who breathes yet again.

We rise to be together to worship the Living God who often
eludes our understanding and causes our heads to spin—but who
is ever in us and with us, Rising.
On this Easter Sunday morn help us, Holy One, to rise and
rise again to do the ongoing work of resurrection and new life.

The sun peeked its face up and over the eastern horizon this
morning, and we saw you -- active and alive in our lives.
And we gave thanks and praise.

Alleluia! Amen.

Permission is granted for use in corporate setting. Copyright © 2014 The Upper Room. 

Claire McKeever-Burgett serves on the staff of The Upper Room in Nashville, TN. An ordained Alliance of Baptist pastor, she writes often at pastorpoet.com. 

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