by Cynthia Langston Kirk
Compassionate One,
draw close to us
as we shrink before the events of this day.
We marvel at Christ’s willingness
to stand up to the powers and principalities of this world.
We face our complicity
in so much inhumanity to humankind.
Darkness closes in as we wonder how we have betrayed you.
How have we sold you for a little money?
When have we denied knowing you
or been fearful to claim association with you?
When have we been so afraid or self-absorbed that we cry
“crucify him”?
God, give us the courage of Christ,
willing to risk our reputations and resources, our all,
for the sake of those in need, even people we do not know.
We pray clinging to the hope for resurrection. Amen.
Permission is granted for use in corporate setting. Copyright © 2011 The Upper Room.
Rev. Cynthia Langston Kirk is a creative arts minister whose primary focus mediums are poetry/liturgy, fabric art, and retreats. She and her husband live in Tucson, AZ.
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