by Claire McKeever-Burgett
Today is a day of mourning, of silence, of questions, of weariness.
A day of staying inside, struggling to breathe, wondering if
following Jesus is still a good idea, is still the calling of our lives.
We gather together to pray and to remember that the One we
follow was unjustly killed by a corrupt and evil government;
We remember that the One we follow preached a Gospel of
peace and love;
We remember that the One we follow was clear and daring in his
call: “Take up your cross, and follow me.”
We remember that each of our individual crosses to bear
comes with different expectations and unjust consequences,
that some crosses are too much to bear.
We remember that the One we follow invites us to help each
other, to love each other,
To create community with each other so that unbearable
crosses might be saved by the creative work of God’s people.
On quiet days and on unbearably loud ones, help us be your
people, Holy One -- a holy people, a gracious people, a quiet
people, a faithful people.
Help us sit in the quiet of this day as we prepare for the
exclamations of tomorrow.
Permission is granted for use in corporate setting. Copyright © 2014 The Upper Room.
Claire McKeever-Burgett serves on the staff of The Upper Room in Nashville, TN. An ordained Alliance of Baptist pastor, she writes often at
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