by Juanita Campbell
I am but bones. The life I once knew is no longer mine.
I am ready for the grave.
I am dead from the sorrow that has consumed my life.
My light has ceased; I am nothing.
I have given all that I have known to give.
I have withheld nothing and yet it has not been enough.
I am abandoned by those who claimed to love me;
they have scattered.
Gracious God, how can I serve you in this state?
How will you get glory from the darkness
that has consumed everything around me?
I long to know rest.
You could call a legion of angels and rescue me on the spot.
It’s not too late.
Don’t allow me to remain in this death.
Surely your love is stronger than death.
Nevertheless not my will but thine be done.
Permission is granted for use in corporate setting. Copyright © 2011 The Upper Room. Used with permission.
Juanita Campbell Rasmus partners with her husband Rudy in marriage and ministry at St. John’s United Methodist Church in downtown Houston. They have 2 grown daughters. Juanita developed an innovative, therapeutic art program for the homeless,
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