by Cynthia Langston Kirk
Bread of Life,
we are grateful that your table, like your grace,
knows no bounds or end.
We think we are identified
by the crosses around our necks,
the buildings in which we worship
or the theology we profess.
Teach us again this Holy Week
that we are known as your followers
by the love we graciously give to others.
Remind us that your power
is not a force to elevate ourselves
or demean and manipulate others.
Tutor us, Gentle Teacher,
that what matters most
is not being wealthiest, smartest,
or having the largest church.
Remind us again
to humble ourselves in service
and have love, one for the other.
Eager to be fed and forgiven we pray. Amen.
Permission is granted for use in corporate setting. Copyright © 2011 The Upper Room.
Rev. Cynthia Langston Kirk is a creative arts minister whose primary focus mediums are poetry/liturgy, fabric art, and retreats. She and her husband live in Tucson, AZ.
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