Maundy Thursday Prayer


by Juanita Campbell Rasmus

Bread of Heaven, feed me. I hunger for you so.
I have filled myself with the fatty foods of foolishness,
and they have served only to clog my arteries and harden my heart.

Call me beloved.
Beckon me to your table; woo me with your love.
I long to sup with you and know fully your comforting hospitality.
Bread of Heaven, Bread of Heaven, feed me till I want no more.

I thirst for your ceaseless streams of living water.
You raise your cup of sorrow and share it,
the best wine held for the end of the celebration.
You allow me to drink from your cup,
knowing full well my faults and failures,
the betrayal of my unrepentant heart.

You toast my triumphs and my trials,
knowing they are both gifts.
You invite me to experience the glory of God.
You include me in the rite that is love’s divine mystery.
You call me friend.
You include me in the meal and,
like the bread and the cup, bless me.

Permission is granted for use in corporate setting. Copyright © 2011 The Upper Room. Used with permission.

Juanita Campbell Rasmus partners with her husband Rudy in marriage and ministry at St. John’s United Methodist Church in downtown Houston. They have 2 grown daughters. Juanita developed an innovative, therapeutic art program for the homeless,

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