by Robert Paul Fugarino
Lord, a new commandment given us!
Lord, a new commandment given us?
We have commandments enough as it is. Crushed we are by
them, too.
Commands to buy spoken from the still lips of dead
Commands to toil spoken by the memoranda of living
Commands to join spoken through our burning loins and
empty hearts.
But now, Lord, you cast a new edict from on high, and it is to love
no less.
It is too much.
Commands to spend and sweat and sex and seek—perhaps those
we can bear.
But to love? As you love? It is too much.
Then you stoop to wash our feet and feed us yourself—the very
vigor of the stars!
And then you die and rise to say to us,
“Be of good cheer! Through you I will love this broken globe. Rest
in me.”
This is enough.
Permission is granted for use in corporate setting. Copyright © 2012 The Upper Room. Used with permission.
Robert Paul Fugarino is the Pastor at Park Hill Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Kansas City, Missouri and has served congregations in different parts of the U.S. for almost twenty years.
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