Prayer for Holy Saturday


by Cynthia Langston Kirk

Companion of the Broken-hearted,
stay with us today as despair seeks to engulf us.
Help us as we struggle
with senseless or violent death.
Console all your children
who feel Hope has been crucified
and sealed in a cave forever.
Comfort each heart
who doubts that tomorrow will come
and Life will be victorious.
This day, as we grieve Christ’s death,
old wounds and unprocessed grief resurface.
Merciful God,
anoint our hearts with your tender touch
and stay close in the darkness.
Grant us the compassion
to sense others’ sorrows
and be a listening presence for them.
Shine, Morning Light,
upon all who sit in the shadow of death.
Heavy-hearted and hopeful we pray
watching for the dawn of Christ
and desiring to roll away all stones
of oppression and death. Amen.

Permission is granted for use in corporate setting. Copyright © 2011 The Upper Room. 

Rev. Cynthia Langston Kirk is a creative arts minister whose primary focus mediums are poetry/liturgy, fabric art, and retreats.  She and her husband live in Tucson, AZ.

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