1. Find a space where everyone in the group will have easy access to internet or wi-fi. Invite each person who is participating to bring a laptop or smart phone.
2. Set up a table with supplies to create personal prayer stations.
3. When people arrive, invite everyone to find a comfortable place to sit. This may be around a table or comfortable chairs in a more casual space like a Sunday School classroom or living room.
4. Begin by sharing the following quote,
“As we envision intercessory prayer lowering thresholds of resistance in ourselves and others, our words become less important than our longing for healing and wholeness throughout the world. We do not have to decide what words to utter or wonder whether we are praying correctly. We can simply focus our attention on the area of concern and pray whatever is on our hearts.” —The Way of Prayer Participant’s Book*
Then share why you have invited people to participate in this Day of Prayer and your hopes for the time together. Explain clearly how the time will be spent (see directions below) and how long you will be in prayer.
5. Invite people to the table where you have set up the supplies and allow time for each person to choose the items they would like to create a personal prayer station.
6. When everyone is settled, invite them into a time of prayer using the Prayer Wall
Light your candle and take a few deep breaths, asking God to be present with you in this time of prayer.
On your computer or phone, visit
Sign into your account with The Upper Room by clicking “LOG IN” at the top of your screen. If you do not already have an account with The Upper Room, click “SIGN UP.” You must be signed in to post and respond to prayer requests.
Scroll through the pages and choose a request that has only a few responses. Enter into a time of prayer for that person. You may do so silently, by journaling, or even coloring your prayer in your journal or notebook.
Finally, if you feel led, enter your prayer for that person in the “Message” field.
Click “Submit Prayer” one time and your response will be logged on the Prayer Wall.
You may repeat this process for as many prayer requests as you feel called to this day.
Close your time of prayer by remembering each name you have prayed for and giving thanks to God for each person and the power of prayer.
7. When the time has ended, invite people to join together again as a group.
8. Close your time by praying together,
Loving God, we offer gratitude for your presence with us. We entrust all of these persons to your care, believing that you know their needs and will respond in kindness. Give us willing hearts that, through compassionate action, we might be an expression of your love for those we meet today. By your grace, we pray. Amen.
We hope this was a meaningful time of prayer and intercession for you. Be assured that your prayers contribute to God’s work of healing and restoration in the world.
We would love to hear about your group’s experience. Please write to us at [email protected] or send us a picture of your group and their worship spaces.
Click here to view a Guide to Using the Prayer Wall for Individuals.
A note about responding with sensitivity:
One may encounter prayer requests that do not align with your theology or belief system. This is an ecumenical and global platform for prayer. We want to respect the breadth of expressions while also creating a safe space. We have done our best to set up filters for offensive language and hate speech, but if you find a prayer request offensive or harmful, you may mark the request. It will be taken down and staff will review it. Please, only respond if you can offer a graceful and genuine response to the prayer request. The Prayer Wall is not designed for dialogue or debate.
*From page 121 of The Way of Prayer Participant’s Book by Jane E. Vennard with Stephen D. Bryant. Copyright © 2006 by Upper Room Books. All rights reserved. Used by permission. Learn more about or purchase this book.
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