October 27, 2016
The way toward the season of dormancy is filled with stirring color.
Photo by Sharon Brown Christopher
October 26, 2016
"Abide with me: fast falls the eventide; the darkenss deepens; Lord with me abide." Henry Francis Lyte
Photo by Dail Ballard
October 25, 2016
God wants all of his creatures to be able to eat a healthy diet.
Photo by Allen Butte
October 24, 2016
In each stage of life God continues to call us in new ways.
Photo by Mike Eischen
October 23, 2016
For the blessing of food in abundance and great variety we give you thanks, O God.
Photo by Wendy Bryant
Rose Colored Glasses
October 22, 2016
"We all get so caught up in the moment of what we're doing every day, it's hard to hit that reset button and get pulled away from all that and see life from a different perspective." — Tony Stewart
Photo by Denise McGuiness
October 21, 2016
Sing to the LORD a new song, his praise from the ends of the earth, you who go down to the sea, and all that is in it, you islands, and all who live in them. Isaiah 42:10 (NIV)
Photo by Charlene Reichert
October 20, 2016
Healthy boundaries can protect us without hurting us or others.
Photo by Joyce Carrasco
October 19, 2016
The abundance of food from the earth inspires gratitude for the good gifts of God.
Photo by Beverly Shamana
October 18, 2016
O Lord, we are ready and waiting for you to put us to use.
Photo by Cyndi Samford