© Beth A. Richardson, betharichardson.com
God of all, guide me as I journey into a new year. Celebrate with me the progress I have made in becoming a person of love. Give me strength to right any wrongs, to keep growing into the person you would have me to be. Guide me into this new year, filled with hope, optimism, compassion, and love. Amen.
God dwells at the center of all.
I love to take photos of sunsets and sunrises. They remind me that God dwells at the center of all creation. I took this photo in Italy, where I watched the sky every evening — God's amazing nightly show.
Reflect back over the past year. What in your spiritual journey has pleased you the most? What has been your greatest challenge?
My copy of Forty Days to a Closer Walk with God is heavily highlighted. It is a book about Centering Prayer, the practice of contemplation, being open and silent before God. Each day's reading moves the reader deeper into the practice of prayer. My favorite part of the book is a daily "Prayer Practice" that helped me actually experience what the earlier content was talking about. This is another "must have" for my spiritual development shelf.
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