© Beth A. Richardson, betharichardson.com
Loving God, the earth moans, in need of your healing. Help me be a peacemaker today — one who carries your vision and takes the small actions that add up to healing for the world. Amen.
God heals the world through me.
God is in the work of healing through the smallest of God's beings. This butterfly on a flower reminds me that God's creation is working all around me through the small actions of all of God's creations.
What are the moans you are hearing in your life, your community, the world?
Mary Lou is the retired editor of The Upper Room daily devotional guide — and a great writer. In The Power of a Focused Heart Mary Lou takes a look at the "8 Life Lessons from the Beatitudes." The eight chapters of the book deal with real-life themes such as poverty, grief, power, and being satisfied. She writes, "The spiritual life is not about rules; true spirituality is about relationship. It's not about how well we pray or how many Bible verses we can quote. It is about living in relationship with God, depending on God daily."
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