© Beth A. Richardson, betharichardson.com
God of Advent joy, keep my eyes and heart open to signs of your coming. May I be joyously expectant, seeing your coming in a million ways. Amen.
I will keep my eyes and heart open to signs of God's coming.
I almost missed this picture along a state road in Colorado. How many other things do I miss because I'm moving too fast or preoccupied?
What signs do you see of God's coming?
The Upper Room Disciplines is full of treasures. Fifty-three writers (leaders from today's Christian world) each write a week of meditations based on the lectionary scriptures for that week. Previous years have included such talented writers as David Buttrick, Grace Imathiu, Don Saliers, Roberta Bondi, Martin Marty, Marjorie Suchocki, Mark Yaconelli, and Will Willimon (and, of course, Beth A. Richardson). It's a great way to really sink into scripture in a daily way.
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