© Beth A Richardson betharichardson.com
Loving God, be patient with me when I stray from you, when I fail to turn to you during challenging times. Help me remember the simple things I can do to return from chaos to hope, peace, and serenity. For you are able to care for all that exists. Amen.
I can trust my smallest concern to God’s wisdom.
God cares for all things — from the giant redwoods to the tiny hummingbird. I ran across this fern on a hike in Wisconsin a couple of years ago. How beautiful is God's handiwork!
How do you deal with distractions and anxieties?
Rueben P. Job and Norman Shawchuck
This third Guide to Prayer by Rueben Job and Norman Shawchuck opens up the spiritual journey to "All Who Seek God." It's my favorite of the Guides to Prayer, partly because of its accessibility and partly because the voices of Job and Shawchuck come through more clearly through their written contributions.
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