As I write this, I have been waiting on God. I know that God is faithful. It is God’s pleasure to give us the kingdom, and in our waiting, God often reveals to us who God is. And I have learned so much about God because I have been in waiting.
One day I heard the words that God has opened a door for me to go overseas. I thought this referred to study at a Christian university, because I had received an academic scholarship there. But when I encountered an obstacle, I had only to wait on God.
Look at Moses—a door had opened for him to lead and deliver the Israelites. But he encountered a setback in the first chapter of Exodus when he killed an Egyptian and found that the people he was supposed to help were now against him. When Moses heard this, he ran away. This obstacle made him wait and trust in God more. But God wanted to reveal to Moses who God is. So after 40 years, because the door that God has opened no man can shut, God told Moses, “I am who I am. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I am has sent me to you’” (Exodus 3:14, NIV). Moses was finally sent, not to kill but to show signs through a rod that he was holding.
God has a plan to show grace to us. We have to learn to wait upon God for we are blessed when we wait. When the Israelites were battling the Amalekites, Moses lifted his hands as a sign of trust in God. When Moses lifted his hands, the Israelites started winning, but every time he lowered his hands, they started losing. After they won the battle, Moses built an altar and called it Jehovah Nissi, which means, “The LORD is my banner.” Moses trusted only in God, and look at the outcome.
So in my case, yes, I didn’t go to study at that Christian university in America. But now as I write this, I have been given another opportunity to go to another university in America for a book signing. This book signing is taking place on the same day that my meditation appears in The Upper Room. Coincidentally, the signing is on the 12th of March at 12pm.
In my waiting, I was given revelation of who God is through a song I heard in a dream. God is the faithful king Jesus, and he will fulfill all the promises that he made to me. Our God is gracious. As Isaiah 30:18 says, “The Lord waits to be gracious to you; therefore he will rise up to show mercy to you. For the Lord is a God of justice; blessed are all those who wait for him” (NRSV). I had another dream where I saw myself with full payment to a university, and I heard a song we were singing, saying, “Jehovah Nissi.” So I believe that God revealed to me again who God is. God is our victory banner, which means God fights for us, and God wins the battle for us. God is good, faithful, and loving. Amen.