Prayer partners are individuals or small groups who covenant with us to pray for prayer requests from people all over the world. We ask our partners to sign up to receive prayer requests from both the public wall and those marked private. Partners can indicate which days to receive emails and how many prayer requests they receive each day.
Click here to update your Prayer Partner Settings
To become a prayer partner, all you need is a vital Christian experience, a willingness to open your heart to those in need, and a desire to grow in your own prayer life.
Learn about intercessory prayer. Read this article.
Covenant with us by agreeing to this statement: “I offer myself to join in this worldwide gathering of prayer by spending time each week in prayer for The Upper Room’s Prayer Wall community.”
Sign up to receive prayers by email. Log into your account and edit your profile settings here. Simply select the number of prayers you prefer and the days you want to receive them.
Visit the Prayer Wall to pray for others. Learn about how to pray using The Upper Room Prayer Wall by reading these articles:
We also encourage you to think broadly about prayer. Click here for more free resources related to prayer.