More From Heidi Kling-Newnam

April 8, 2020 by Heidi Kling-Newnam (Pennsylvania, USA)

Thankfully, I can count on one hand the times in my life where the actions of others against me were dramatic enough to warrant writing about. My life has certainly improved because of the healing power of forgiveness in these “big” areas.

Through a series of events only explainable by the power of the Holy Spirit, areas of unforgiveness that I still have were brought to my attention. I am only now beginning to understand these subtle areas of unforgiveness. I would like more than anything to cross forgiving off my to-do list, having been published on the topic more than once. The truth is, it’s a work in progress. Each time I write about it I go a little deeper in my understanding and practice of it.

This leads me to my experience writing for The Upper Room. I write about what I need to hear. At the time of my writing almost two years ago, I was feeling angry, hurt, and powerless. Having the information to “pay back” the leadership of the company temporarily took away those feelings. I was in a real battle between doing what is right and making myself feel better. The timing of the Upper Room meditation that led me to choose to do what is right was no coincidence, as is true with many of them. Especially now while we are in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the meditations seem to have been strategically placed for such a time as this. This reinforces my faith that God is in control, since I know they were chosen well in advance of anyone even hearing of COVID-19. I trust that the timing of my contribution will be perfect for someone else struggling with forgiveness.

I am currently confined to my home, like many around the world are. But I am feeling a freedom that cannot be dampened by my circumstances, all because of the liberating power of forgiveness and the constant evidence of our sovereign Lord. I want you to feel that too and hope that my contribution speaks to you in a way that brings hope and healing.

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