My Last Time

May 24, 2020 by Frances Huezo (California, USA)

Then Mary took about a pint of pure nard, an expensive perfume; she poured it on Jesus’ feet and wiped his feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume. 

— John 12:3 (NIV)

Watching the news yesterday, I was sad to hear that due to the pandemic, some high school seniors will not get a chance to go to prom, finish their senior year, and even graduation ceremonies will be canceled. But something that one of the young women being interviewed said left me thinking. She said, “If I had known that was my last day of senior year I would have acted differently.”

Can you relate to her? Have you ever missed an opportunity to do something one last time? We take so much for granted. Even though we know that the only thing constant in our lives is change, we often assume that life will always be the same. 

I have read the story of Mary braking the pint of perfume to pour it on Jesus’ feet many times, but never from the point of view that this was the last time she was going to see Jesus. At that moment, Jesus was eating dinner surrounded by men. Culturally, that was not the time or place to do what she did. She was criticized for her actions, but she did not care. Her heart was so full of love and gratitude towards Jesus that she broke what probably was her life's savings or dowry to bring honor to her Lord. She probably did not know that she was anointing the Master for his burial. I wonder how she felt about what she did after Jesus died. I am sure that she missed Jesus, but I am also sure that her heart was grateful and satisfied knowing that she took advantage of the last opportunity she had to honor him. I want to think that Mary at least in this area of her life had no regrets. 

My prayer lately has been to live like that — to live every day taking every opportunity to pour my love on Jesus. I want my life to fill every place I go with the fragrance of my worship to the Master. I cannot show my love to Jesus in the flesh like Mary did, but I can show my love to his Body the church. I can love the church. I can reflect Christ's love in a world that desperately needs Him. To preach the gospel with our lives might not be culturally accepted and we might be criticized for it, but we do not know when will be the last time we will see our coworkers, our neighbors, or our loved ones. This life is so fragile and goes by so quickly. At least in this area, let us live our lives with no regrets. Let our lives fill rooms with the fragrance of God’s love towards for all people.

Prayer: Please Lord, until we see you face-to-face, help us remember that every moment could be our last one and let us honor you with every breath. Amen.

Frances Huezo (California, USA)

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