March 2021 Wednesday Study Questions

February 24, 2021 by Upper Room Editorial Staff

March 3: Something New

1. When have you been unhappy about giving up something for Lent?  How do you combat those feelings during this season?
2. If you have given up a bad habit for Lent, how was that experience different from giving up something you enjoy?  If you have not, how do you think doing so might affect your life?
3. The writer describes a few things we might take up during Lent, rather than giving anything up.  In what ways does that idea differ from the ways in which you typically think of Lent? How is it familiar?  What could you take up for Lent?
4. How are you looking for new experiences that God might be guiding you to this Lenten season?  In what ways do you think you might be better able to experience God’s grace and love by trying a new Lenten practice?
5. How does God challenge you? How does scripture or your faith community challenge you?  How do you challenge yourself?  In what ways do you find growth and blessings in those challenges?

March 10: Healing Touch

1. What does “God’s healing touch” mean to you?  When have you needed God’s healing touch?  Where did you find it?
2. Describe a situation where you clearly felt God’s love.  Why do you think God’s love felt so close and powerful in that situation?  How were you comforted and encouraged by it?
3. How can you help someone who is hurting?  With what loving actions will you remind someone of God’s love today?  
4. When do you feel surrounded by God’s healing love?  Who in your life helps you to feel God’s presence and love?  How do you feel God’s love when you are alone?
5. What biblical stories best reflect the power of God’s healing love for you?  Why?  How do those stories encourage you when you are feeling overwhelmed and discouraged?

March 17: God Can Relate

1. How does knowing that others can relate to your feelings and experiences encourage you?  How do you find community with people who share your feelings and experiences?
2. In what ways are you comforted by knowing that Jesus understands your human experience and your human needs?  How does that knowledge strengthen your faith and your connection with Jesus and God?
3. Which scripture passages do you feel best capture Jesus’ humanity? Why?
4. Name ways in which you can show compassion and empathy to those around you today.  In what ways are you intentional about showing compassion to others every day?
5. Where in your life do you most often struggle to express empathy and compassion?  What prayers, scripture verses, spiritual practices, or interactions help you in those areas?

March 24: Like Never Before

1. What gives you hope when you feel like your situation will never change?  Where do you find encouragement?
2. Is it easy for you to pray with full trust in God?  How are your prayers different when you are praying with full trust?  How does praying this way change your heart?
3. Today’s writer was encouraged in her prayer life by her friend.  What role have friends played in your faith?  How do you encourage your friends in their faith?
4. Who in the Bible trusted like never before?  What was the outcome?  How does their story inspire you to do the same?
5. Do you believe in God’s ability to do miracles?  How do you continue to trust in God, even if you don’t receive the miracles you hoped for?

March 31: Graceful Greetings

1. When you are in church, do you ever find your mind flooded with worries instead of focused on worship?  What helps you to focus on the present moment?
2. Describe a time when someone reached out to you in Christian love before doing anything else.  How did that make you feel?  What did you learn from that experience?
3. Today’s prayer focus is “Someone I disagree with.”  How might praying for someone you disagree with help your situation?  What kinds of things might you pray for?
4. What does it mean to you to have a life that looks like the life of Jesus?  What do you do each day to try to live like Jesus lived?  How does Jesus’ example change the way you interact with those around you?
5. When you disagree with other Christians, what do you do to resolve those disagreements?  When members of your church family have disagreements, how are those disagreements handled?  In what ways does Christian love help in finding a resolution?

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