July-August 2021 - Stones and Glass Houses

July 1, 2021 by Erin Pearce
Artist: Kevin Costley (USA, Contemporary)

This striking cover image by artist Kevin Costley depicts Jesus crouching while the legal experts and Pharisees gather in the background, rocks in hand. (See John 8:1-11.) Jesus is at the temple teaching when the legal experts and Pharisees approach to test him. Jesus, however, does not condemn the woman who committed adultery, nor does he contradict the law of Moses. Instead, Jesus does something he is known to do — he creates a new, third way. He says, “Whoever hasn’t sinned should throw the first stone” (John 8:7, CEB).

Imagine the unnamed woman standing off to the side and what she must have felt. Her accusers stand close by, saying that she must pay for her mistake with her life. She might have felt regret. Perhaps she felt shame. Surely she was afraid.

But Jesus pointed out that no one is without sin; nor should anyone judge others for their mistakes. The artist clothes Jesus in green, signifying the new life he offers to us all. Though he crouches down in a humble posture, modeling the humility that is necessary to follow him, his facial expression reflects how serious this lesson truly is.

This painting invites the viewer to consider a new perspective on judgment. Are there times when we judge without taking into account the ways we ourselves fall short? This story is a good reminder that no matter what mistakes we or those around us have made, Jesus offers forgiveness and new life.

Cover art courtesy of Kevin Costley. © Kevin Costley. Prints of cover art available from [email protected].

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