More From Melissa Yamaguchi

September 15, 2021 by Melissa Yamaguchi (Hawaii, USA)
Brennan on a local hike

Melissa, her husband, Ryan, and Brennan

Dear UR Readers,

I pray for your good health wherever you are in the world while reading this.  If my name sounds familiar, it is because I was blessed to have two pieces published this year. The first was published on May 9, 2021.

My May devotional and its blog was about my 12-year-old son, Brennan.  For those who have not read my earlier pieces, one of my son’s best friends has epilepsy.  Brennan has made it his mission to promote seizure awareness so that people can help her and others living with epilepsy.

We started grassroots with baseball awareness games, lemonade stands, and printing shirts.  Brennan also spoke in his classes at school to educate his classmates.  In 2020 he took an aggressive step. He worked with one of our state senators and co-wrote a bill mandating all businesses to post seizure first aid information.  The pandemic sidelined this measure (which was passed through the Senate but making its way through the House) as all state buildings were closed down.

In 2021 we were asked to reintroduce the measure using different means such as testifying by video.  A few thousand bills were introduced, but only about 200 passed.  We are proud to announce that Brennan’s Bill was one of them.

So what’s next to sow the seeds of change and faith for people with seizures?  Well, exactly that, SEEDS.  Our next project we are hoping to gets grants or fundraise for a project that will provide urban schools, after-school programs, and community gardens with seeds.  The seed packets will also include a mini version of the seizure first aid Brennan is promoting.  We feel this initiative will be twofold in helping sustainability for the Earth while also educating the public on what do in the event of a seizure. 

Our prayers continue as we are researching the right opportunities in grants and other organizations to plant our seeds of hope. 

God be with you!

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