November 2021 Wednesday Study Questions

October 27, 2021 by Upper Room Editorial Staff

November 3: A Change in Pattern

1. How often do you berate yourself for something you have said or done? Do you find it easy to let go of mistakes? What mistake has been most challenging for you to move beyond?

2. Describe a time when God spoke to your heart and changed your mindset. What changes occurred? What did you learn about God from this experience?
3. Why do you think negative thoughts can easily exhaust us? In what ways can praising God energize us? When have you noticed praise changing your attitude and energy level the most?
4. What helps you to keep your heart and thoughts focused on God? Name the scripture passages, spiritual practices, and activities that best help you stay focused on the Almighty.
5. How does having a God-focused mindset allow you to live faithfully and serve others?

November 10: Offering What We Have

1. Have you ever been about to discard something, only to have someone tell you it is exactly what they need? What do experiences like these teach us about the value of what is around us? What do they teach us about ourselves?
2. Where do you look for reminders of your value when you are feeling overlooked or unimportant? How does your faith community remind you of your value to God?
3. Name something about yourself that you tend to devalue, but that has great value to God and to those around you. Why do you devalue it? How does God remind you of its value?
4. Who in the Bible seemed unimportant outwardly, yet God said otherwise? How does this person’s story remind you of God’s ability to use what we reject in order to change the world? How does this story encourage you in your daily life?
5. In what ways do you actively look for the blessings others have to offer? How do you help them see the value and make the most of those blessings?

November 17: Our Noisy World

1. When does the noise of the world frustrate or distract you? When is it hardest for you to hear God amid the distractions?
2. Where do you find peace from distractions? How often do you set aside quiet time for yourself? In what ways does quiet feel comfortable, and in what ways does it challenge you?
3. Do you make space for spiritual reflection in your daily routine? If so, how do daily pauses strengthen your relationship with God? If not, would you consider making this a practice?
4. Name a biblical character who listened for and heard God’s voice. What can we learn from them about the importance of listening for God? How does their experience hearing God’s voice differ from your experience? How is it similar?
5. How are you intentional about listening for God speaking to you? How do you know when God is speaking to you? How do you avoid missing God’s voice?

November 24: Opportunities to Obey

1. Do you find it less overwhelming to accomplish a large task when you break it into smaller steps? Why or why not? Have you ever applied the same strategy to your faith journey?
2. Describe a time when you observed small parts making a difference to the whole. What can this teach us about the importance of each moment and choice we make?
3. What does the phrase “Give your life to Jesus” mean to you? Do you find it helpful, or do you prefer more specific examples of how you might better follow Christ?
4. How do you take advantage of the small opportunities to obey God each day? In what ways are the small chances to obey as important as the big ones?
5. Who in your life encourages you to follow God in big ways and small ways? How do they encourage you? How can you encourage others in a similar way?

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The Upper Room magazine's mission is to provide a practical way to listen to scripture, connect with believers around the world, and spend time with God each day.

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