More From Bobbie Smith Bryant

February 2, 2022 by Bobbie Smith Bryant (Kentucky, USA)

When I was a little girl, churches often held revivals. These special events were typically led by a preacher from another community. The revivals were filled with music, prayers, and a spirit-filled sermon. It was the perfect time for Christians to renew their personal relationships with God.

In Nehemiah 8–10, we read about an incredible spiritual revival. Nehemiah had been sent to the land of his ancestors to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem. While there, he worked together with Ezra to call upon the Jewish people to stand apart from those who did not worship their God. They recited the law and the history of their ancestors, and they told the people of God’s great love and compassion. The Israelites were so moved by what they heard that they confessed their sins and the sins of their ancestors.

They read God’s word, worshiped, and confessed their sins. And the people were so moved by this thanksgiving and atonement that they signed a covenant that stated they would keep God’s laws. They solemnly promised to follow God’s law and pledged, “We will not neglect the house of our God” (Nehemiah 10:39, NIV). It was a moment of spiritual revival among the people and their God.

I believe that today, those of us who believe in Jesus as our Savior have a need for a good old-fashioned spirit-filled revival. For me, the first step of a revival is to recall the words of God, reading them and imprinting them on my heart and in my mind. The next step of a personal revival is to confess my sins and worship God. I must humble myself and acknowledge the holiness our loving God. And then, like Nehemiah and his brethren, I need to seal my promise with action. My life — the way I treat people, the way I act and speak — should be my pledge to God that I will not neglect my relationship with Christ.

Today, I pray for God’s forgiveness of me, my family, and our ancestors. I thank God for the blessing of God’s laws and teachings. And I ask for the Holy Spirit to move us all a toward spiritual revival that only God can achieve. Amen.

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