March 2022 Wednesday Study Questions

February 23, 2022 by Upper Room Editorial Staff

March 2: Walking the Labyrinth

1. Have you ever walked a labyrinth?  What did God reveal to you while you walked?  What other walking journeys have helped you to grow spiritually?
2. As we enter the season of Lent, how are you encouraged by imagining Jesus walking with you?  What does it mean to you to accept his yoke?  How will traveling with Jesus in this way help you to walk lightly during Lent?
3. When you find that your path in life is not straight, are you frustrated or do you enjoy the twists and turns?  What spiritual practices help you to find your way?  How do you walk with God rather than journey to find God?
4. Where do you feel the Spirit leading you today?  Is it a path you are comfortable taking, or does it make you apprehensive?  What prayers and scripture passages bring you peace?
5. In what new ways will you seek God’s guidance during Lent?  Name specific ways you will slow down to listen for God and enjoy your journey in this season.

March 9: Anytime, Anywhere

1. Where do you go for your private devotional time?  Why do you choose this spot?  How do you think location affects the quality or style of your time with God?
2. How do you feel when you know that others are praying for you?  Do you notice a change in your mindset or your situation when you know someone is praying for you?
3. Do you have a specific prayer practice to help you pray for those around you?  If so, describe it.  If not, what reminds you to pray for others?
4. Who has had a positive influence on your life and faith?  Why?  In what ways do you now strive to be a positive influence in the lives of others?
5. Name some scripture verses that assure you that God hears and answers prayers.  What about these verses comforts you?

March 16: What No Longer Works

1. Recall a time when you held on to an old habit or routine that no longer served you.  What made you realize that it was time to let go of the habit or routine?  What changes did you see in your life when you finally let it go?
2. How do you observe Lent?  Do you give something up?  Do you take on a new practice?  How does observing Lent help you grow in your faith?
3. Describe a time when you gained a new perspective on a familiar scripture passage.  How does praying and discussing scripture with other Christians change the way you see certain parts of the Bible?
4. When God guides you in a new direction, are you happy to follow?  Why or why not?  How do you respond when you do not want to go where God guides you?
5. In what ways do others encourage you to let go of the old and to embrace the new?  How do you encourage others to do this?  Discuss the importance of helping one another in this way.

March 23: The Great Commission

1. Where do you go for rest and relaxation?  What do you find relaxing about this location?  Name a lesson you have learned while in this place.
2. Do you find that nature teaches you lessons about yourself or your faith?  Why or why not?  How do you remain open to the lessons God has for you each day?
3. What role do more mature believers play in your faith journey?  How has their role changed over time?  How do you strive to help new believers now?
4. What does it mean to you to “take flight” in your faith journey?  What does it look like to stay close to the nest?  Who in your faith community most encourages you to take flight?
5. Where do you find courage and joy in sharing your faith with others?  How do you know when to share your faith?  In what ways do you strive to be like Jesus as you witness to others?

March 30: What Am I Showcasing?

1. Today’s writer reminds us that God has a season for every plant to be beautiful. In what ways does this encourage you?
2. When you are going through a difficult time, what do you showcase?  How do you strive to showcase God’s presence and strength when you are going through hard times?
3. How does changing your perspective help you to feel more positive about your situation?  What scripture passages help you to focus on God in all circumstances?
4. Where do you feel God’s Spirit reviving you right now?  How does being renewed by God help us to better share God’s love with others?
5. In scripture, who found strength by focusing on the Lord?  What can you learn from these examples?

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The Upper Room magazine's mission is to provide a practical way to listen to scripture, connect with believers around the world, and spend time with God each day.

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