While originally the neighbors in the flooding story were planning to make the repairs, the project was far to great for them to manage. It extended over a long field that slopes downward. It took a few more floods before I finally got to the best source for help. But once again, with gentle persistence and a soft word I was able to have the project repaired by the county stormwater department—not only for my yard but also for my neighbors’ farm over the fence. We were all so grateful for the hardworking team of government employees who spent two days and several trips digging up the area and placing a drain to carry the floodwater under the fence into my yard and down underground.
The problem was eventually solved, and I made new friends who I greatly appreciate! The most surprising answered prayer of all was that although the project cost thousands of dollars, I paid nothing! And many families across the fence and down this hill benefited as well. We are all so grateful for God’s hand at work in our day-to-day problems, keeping peace and making life in our little community better.