More From Andre de Albuquerque Caetano

September 9, 2022 by Andre de Albuquerque Caetano (Minas Gerais, Brazil)
Andre and his family with the leaders of the
church they visited
Andre and his daughter in San Francisco

It has been two years since I wrote this meditation about our daughter’s plans for the future. The world got crazy during the pandemic, but the word is still the same: “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7, NIV). Speaking of anxiety, I remember an excellent book that I read about anxiety by Max Lucado. It is a must read book for Christians and non-Christians alike.

After that time of uncertainty about our daughter’s future plans, we made a trip to California. We had to stay in quarantine in Colombia for 15 days due to COVID-19 restrictions on Brazilian travelers. It was great to visit Bogotá and meet wonderful people there. My daughter used to be our interpreter there since we do not speak Spanish. We speak Portuguese, but many people think we speak Spanish with a different accent. The two languages are similar but not the same.

Getting to California was a unique experience. During our stay in the San Francisco Bay Area, we could gather in worship with our brothers and sisters at a local church. There we met the pastor and amazing fellow Christians, many of whom are originally from the Philippines. In such days when church attendance is declining, I can say that the body of Christ is still a good “place” to attend and be part of.

I would like to say thanks again to my friend Nedra, who helps by editing my text in English. In fact, she and her husband, Patrick, can teach me both Portuguese and English since they went to be missionaries in Brazil before I was born.

Sincerely I wish that the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

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Image by: Guy MOLL