More From Zeph Dim

February 20, 2023 by Zeph Dim (Lagos, Nigeria)

Although I know that challenges are inevitable, I still hope and even pray that I will not face challenges. For a long time, I dreaded obstacles on my path. Obstacles meant a likelihood of failure. Failure is painful, and I often experienced indecision as a result of my fearing failure. This troubled me and put me in a dilemma.

The way I often shrink from failure reminds me of the way the flowering plant Mimosa pudica recoils from every touch. Because this funny plant shrinks away from contact, it has many nicknames including shameplant, touch-me-not, and sensitive plant. I recall playing games with these plants with other children in the village. Whenever we came across a group of them, we would have fun competitions with each other. Each competitor would choose a plant, and a referee would be chosen among us. At the last count, the competitors would touch their plant, and the group would watch as it recoiled and slept. Then we would all eagerly wait to see whose plant would open back up first, and they would be declared winner. You could never predict the plant that would wake up first.

Much like the Mimosa pudica avoids touch, we avoid anything that causes pain. This self-preservation and instinct has been coded into our genes as the human species has evolved over the ages. Psychological and physical pain have a negative impact on our being and can be signs of danger. Pain also takes us out of our comfort zone. We often abhor and detest pain. We want life to be smooth sailing all the time. But this is impossible—such a state is not life. Even when we walk, we need to overcome friction.

Every action is preceded by thought, so we are continually playing mind games with ourselves. As soon as we think of something to do, our minds try to warn us of likely physical and psychological dangers. Resistance builds up. Yet the strength of our desire to do the thing helps us overcome that resistance. Many times we are not even aware of this process because it can happen so quickly.

From personal experience and observing others, I have concluded that failure is an inevitable side of any success story. As a student of God’s word, I  draw strength and inspiration from it. The Bible encourages us to make the most of ourselves. It encourages us to overcome obstacles and press forward. Falling is allowed; what is forbidden is failing to rise again. It is important that we hold on to that proper mindset. Failure does not always mean God’s stamp of disapproval.

The more this understanding has dawned on me, the more I have discovered that most of the things I fear never happen. That knowledge is liberating and has made all the difference. Knowing that God is with me has made me stronger and built up my faith. Even if I fail, when I try and try again, success comes my way. With strength and courage, let us make the most of our lives. We owe that to God.

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