May 2023 Wednesday Study Questions

April 26, 2023 by Upper Room Editorial Staff

May 3: Bookends
1. What tangible reminders of the importance of prayer, community, and supporting one another do you observe in church?  How do these physical reminders encourage you?
2. For you, what is meaningful about praying in community?  How do your prayers with others differ from your private prayers?  Why is this?
3. Describe a time when you witnessed someone acting as a bookend for another person.  How did their support change the situation of the person they were assisting?  
4. Do you find prayer to be a powerful support?  Why or why not?  What other forms of support do you find powerful in your Christian community?
5. Who buttresses you with their prayers?  Whom do you buttress through prayer?  How does having the prayerful support of other believers give you courage and strength?

May 10: Looking Ahead
1. Are you easily derailed by events from your past?  Why or why not?  How do you bring your focus back to the present?
2. How do the words in Hebrews 12:1-2 comparing life to running a race encourage you to look ahead rather than look back at negative experiences?  What other scripture passages encourage you to keep moving forward?
3. When have you stumbled over something behind you?  What caused you to stumble?  How did you regain your footing and continue on?
4. How has focusing too much on the past held you back?  Does looking back prevent you from deepening your faith and sharing the good news of Christ?  Why or why not?
5. What helps you to keep your focus on “the true pioneer and perfecter of our faith”?  Why is focus on Christ so important?

May 17: Everything We Need
1. Have you ever felt unequipped for a task God placed before you?  Did you accept the task anyway?  What was the outcome of the situation?
2. In what ways are you encouraged to know that God can use what is overlooked to make a big impact?  How does this change your mindset about what is important?
3. What is in your hand today?  Do you consider it small and unworthy, or do you view it as valuable?  How will you use what you have to answer God’s call to serve?
4. How does God most often show you the value in yourself, your gifts, and your abilities?  Through scripture, prayer, others, a still small voice?  Explain.
5. In what ways is Christian community strengthened when the members embrace their gifts?  How might your church look different if each member fully embraced the gifts and talents God has given them?

May 24: No Prestige Needed
1. Are people you meet typically impressed by you and your work, or do they seem unimpressed?  How do the responses of others affect your view of yourself and what you do?  Why?
2. Have you ever been called to a job or ministry that sounded unglamorous?  Did you answer the call?  What was your experience, and what did you learn?
3. Besides the story of David, what other Bible stories teach you that every calling from God is important?  How do those stories bolster you as you answer your own calling?
4. Do you find it easier to proclaim the power of Christ when you have an elevated platform or when you are doing less “impressive” work?
5. Recall a time when God empowered you to fight a “giant.”  In what ways does that experience remind you that God will empower you to do whatever God has called you to?

May 31: A Grateful Heart
1. Recalling your spiritual journey, who has played a large part in shaping the direction of your life?  What do you imagine your life would be like if that person had not been a part of it?
2. When God brings someone into your life to encourage and guide you, how do you express your gratitude for them and to God?  How does gratitude shape your faith?
3. What blessings have others brought into your life recently?  How do your prayers and actions change when you are actively aware of the blessings others are bringing to your life?
4. What does it look like for you to have a grateful heart?  In what ways do you behave differently when you’re feeling such gratitude?
5. Name three ways you intentionally bring blessings to the lives of others.  Name three specific blessings you have received from others.  How do these reciprocal acts of blessing enrich your life?

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