More From Navamani Peter

May 14, 2023 by Navamani Peter (Karnataka, India)
Navamani (right) with her mother
and sisters

Navamani’s mother and daughter

Do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.”  — Hebrews 13:16 (NIV)

A few months back, I had cataract surgery. My daughter-in-law and granddaughter took turns putting drops in my eye for five weeks. It was time consuming and boring for them, yet they lovingly and willingly took care of me. But I needed someone who could help with preparing dinner and stay with me at night during the first few days. We found a woman named Jyothi who was willing to help me. She was a loving and thoughtful woman who knew her job well.

One day she sat with me during her spare time and began to tell me her life story. She used to care for others and earn some money for her family by preparing meals and supplying food for elderly people in her neighborhood. She filled lunch boxes (dabbas) with food for lunch and dinner. People used to call her “Dabba Wala,” which means the one who brings food in dabbas.

She was happy in her business, but then her husband had a heart attack and needed her care. She had to discontinue her Dabba Wala business. His recovery took months, and by then someone else had taken over her business. She is sad because she was happy to serve the people in her neighborhood, even though some of them could not pay for the meals.

She asked me, “Why did God stop my work with my husband’s sickness?” I told her that God knows what’s best for her and said, “Your family is happy, and your husband needs your care to recover.” But she was still thinking of her neighbors who needed her help. Generosity is not just for the rich, but for everyone—we all can share our resources. And generosity comes in different forms like being happy to give time, money, food, or kindness. It can be a comforting word, a cheering smile, or an encouraging handshake!

Even decades after my mother’s death, neighbors in my hometown think of her love, care, and generosity. My children adored and loved her because she shared all her love with them for twenty years. I can say my helper Jyothi is also a remarkable woman like my mother who is gracious and generous to her neighbors.

I can confidently say about them, “Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: ‘Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.’” — Proverbs 31:28-29

We come across such wonderful women in our lives. Sometimes we take them for granted, but they are gracious gifts from God.

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Image by: Guy MOLL