Still Seeing the Faithful

May 2, 2018 by Lonnie West (Minnesota)

“So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God who makes things grow ( 1 Corinthians 3:7 NIV).”    

God continues to turn my attention toward the seemingly invisible or unnoticed; toward those who faithfully plant and water, whether or not they are acknowledged.  This week, God reminded me of this by way of the sweetest letter.  What camp counselor would expect a handwritten letter forty years after campers hugged her good-bye?  

One of my campers from all those years ago, Diane, wrote to share about her son’s public confession of faith. At age twelve, her son, Robby Mac, is the same age Diane was when she and her sisters sat on their cabin beds and asked Jesus into their hearts.  I was excited then but, these decades later, I realize the gift and privilege was even bigger than I imagined.  

“We believed in Jesus and trusted Him,” Diane wrote, “because our Mama told us often of Jesus.”  A faithful mama, a faithful pastor, and more than likely, Sunday school teachers and other camp counselors had also told them about the gospel.  Thinking about how many people must have helped those girls learn about the gospel, I cannot help but think of Jesus’ words in John 4:  “I sent you to reap what you had not worked for. Others have done the hard work, and you reaped the benefits of their labor (John 4:38 NIV).” 

Diane credits me with solidifying her faith and that of her sisters; and for bringing joy to their hearts. I am both honored and humbled by this. I was such a young Christian when I traveled from Iowa to North Carolina to work and witness for Jesus at that camp. I believe the connection with Diane and her sisters over the years, though not always frequent, has solidified my own faith and encouraged me at times when I needed it most.  And joy? Mine cannot be measured. 

To hear more from Lonnie, you can visit her blog at

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