More From Jeri Mounier

September 24, 2023 by Jeri Mounier (New Jersey, USA)

Today’s devotion was written many years ago. My children are now grown with children of their own. My daughters went on to master some sign language, and one uses it when she works with children with disabilities. We have enjoyed challenging each other to widen our horizons. Recently I went to a pottery workshop with two of my daughters. Whether it be tap dancing classes, baking competitions, or seeing who has a better score in a digital word game, we can enjoy each other’s company—long distance or close to home. It is wonderful how social media, video calls, and texts were able to keep us together during the pandemic.

At age 72, I am finally retiring from teaching. Now what to do with all of that time? I am hoping to travel with my husband and my daughters. I am also co-teaching a Bible Study during the day—something I have always wanted to do. Dedicating more time to church missions is another a goal of mine.

I provide a message once a month to a small country church in my area. I also cover for pastors in my conference when they are on vacation or ill. I enjoy visiting these churches and meeting their congregations. The decor and services can run the gamut. It always surprises me that even though we share the same faith, we often worship the Lord in different ways.

I am forever looking for interesting things that happen in my life and how they can be related to Bible teachings. For example, how can I compare the woman at the well to my wilting impatiens plants on the sunny patio? How is jumping into cold water similar to the way we approach serving Christ? I am always keeping my eyes open for examples of God’s word in our everyday lives to use as messages in sermons or in devotions.

It has been a great honor and pleasure to have one of my devotions selected by the staff of The Upper Room to be included in the September-October issue of such a widely distributed Christian magazine.

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Image by: Guy MOLL