More From Linda Coggin

January 3, 2024 by Linda Coggin (British Columbia, Canada)
A tiny garden on a fence post on my walk.
I had to slow down to notice this wonder.

In the meditation for today, I wrote that the writer of Thessalonians reminds us what God wills for our lives: rejoice always, pray constantly, and give thanks in all circumstances. I have learned that beginning and ending my day aware of God’s presence, whatever shape that takes, changes how I experience what happens in between my waking and sleeping.

Often I get to the end of my day and focus on what I failed to do or worry about what I did do. I remember my need to prayerfully review my day with thanksgiving to quell those inner conversations with myself about what is wrong and to see God’s grace.

There is no part of my day that God is not present with me, whether I consciously acknowledge that presence or not.  Reviewing the day in gratitude—even the parts that are difficult—helps me recognize how God’s goodness and love are evident in my daily experience.

Usually in the evening, I prayerfully think through my day, as the writer of Thessalonians says, to rejoice and pray and be thankful in all circumstances. In the presence of the Holy Spirit, I write down what happened that day with gratitude. Gradually, I started to notice when I protected my own ego by paying too much attention to what I did, thought, or said. I notice when I feel defensive or try to change or judge others and am grateful for God’s forgiveness. When I do listen and encourage others, I am grateful for God’s guidance.

I specifically write down the joys, the glimmers of God’s grace, that I can now see more clearly. I copied some of my thoughts from my journal so you can listen in as God speaks to me through my prayerful reflection.

Gratitude for the sun shining brightly into the living room today and the rain that greened up the grass and even the dandelions last night.

As I think about challenges both of my adult children are facing today, thank you, God, for the people who will come into both of their lives to guide them or just be beside them.

Talking to M & B, I don’t really have a hope or gratitude to say but I know that you know their needs and will be with them in each step along the way.

The man who has been visiting church came to the students’ concert in the afternoon.  At the end he yelled, “Praise the Lord, they were all great!”  That made me thankful that we could host that concert and that he was there to enjoy the music.

Always grateful for Mitch, who calls me back from worry and reminds me that I am not the one who decides what is possible.

At the end of writing in gratitude, I choose one part to pray from as I look forward to the next day.  Often, I find I pray from the parts that were challenging and that kind of prayerful gratitude is where I find anew God’s grace and love.

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