The Work of Hope
Hope is a force of God that enlivens us to life. We can easily miss the Read More
June 5: The God Who Stretches
1. What names for God do you feel the most connected to? Do you call God by different names in different circumstances? Why or why not?
2. When has God led you to stretch beyond your comfort zone? What did you do? How did God support you during that time?
3. Where do you see God urging you to stretch and open your heart to others? What do you think will happen when you follow God’s urging?
4. When have you struggled to stretch your heart? What differences do you observe in your life and in your relationships when you actively work to stretch yourself?
5. Who in scripture encourages you to stretch beyond your comfort zone? Why? What other scripture verses remind you of the value in stepping outside your comfort zone?
June 12: God Listens
1. When has someone expressed their grief to you in an open and honest way? How did you respond to them? How did this inform your understanding of grief?
2. Recall when someone listened to you during a time of need. How did their listening impact you? What did you learn from the situation?
3. Why do you think our humanity is validated when people listen to us? Why do you think true listening strengthens our connections to the people around us?
4. When have you passed up an opportunity to listen to someone? Why did you pass it up? What would you do differently if you could go back in time?
5. Name some specific ways you can show God’s love to others by listening to them.
June 19: The Third Cord
1. When have you seen a strong rope withstand heavy force or weight? What came to mind for you as you observed that rope?
2. What other images besides a rope remind you of the strength we can find when we make Jesus a valued part of our relationships? Why does that image come to mind for you?
3. What changes do you notice in your life when you include Jesus in your relationships and your decision-making? How do you ensure that you are prioritizing Jesus?
4. Have you ever kept Jesus at the forefront of your relationship, yet the relationship still fell apart? Why do you think it fell apart? How do you respond when a relationship dissolves despite your best efforts?
5. Name the spiritual practices, prayers, and Bible verses that bring you closest to Christ. Why do these make such a difference for you? How do you prioritize them each day?
June 26: Love Is Everything
1. Have you ever been reluctant to help someone because it was inconvenient? What did you decide to do?
2. When you strive to show God’s love through your actions, how do you behave differently? How does this perspective make it easier for you to care for others?
3. When do you feel closest to God? Do you find that closing your eyes to the needs of others distances you from God? Why or why not?
4. How do others know you are a child of God? What actions and choices best reflect God’s love and light to those around you?
5. What does it mean to you to clothe yourself in God’s love? How does putting love first help you reach people you might not be able to reach otherwise?