More From Susan Thogerson Maas

March 1, 2024 by Susan Thogerson Maas (Oregon, USA)
Susan Thogerson Maas on a hike

Her husband, Gary, hiking

My husband, Gary, and I still take our daily walks in the neighborhood when the weather cooperates. Our favorite walks, however, are in wild places — the coast, mountains, forest, or desert. We love to get out in God’s beautiful creation, not just for the exercise but for the flowers, birds, and scenic views. Gary is a strong hiker. I am more of a fair-weather hiker. Give me a cool-ish, sunny day and a fairly flat trail, and I have a great time. But when the temperature — or the trail — climbs, then it's time for a rest break. And then another. I enjoy photography and that gives me a great excuse to pause while on a trail: “Hey, Gary, I need to take a picture of this flower.” I think he’s on to me, but he patiently waits. Our daily walks are supposed to get me in shape for summer hikes, but that doesn't always work.

I’m still working on my prayer life too. I have a prayer journal that I write in at bedtime to record my praises and requests. I read books on prayer. I'm trying to make prayer more of a priority, but I still have a way to go. However, I recently heard about prayer walking. It's when you turn walking into a prayer time. You can pray for whatever is on your mind. If you're walking in a neighborhood, you can pray for the neighbors whose houses you pass. Since we live on a little dead-end street, I know most of the neighbors, and it feels good to lift them up in prayer. And the quiet of the outdoors is a good place to listen for God, which is a part of prayer that I often neglect. I think this kind of prayer might work well for me, and I’m giving it a try.

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