Let’s Go Fishing!

May 1, 2024 by Lu Fullilove (Texas, USA)

There are multiple ways to catch fish. A fisherman can use a pole or rod and reel with a single hook to catch one fish at a time, or they can use a line with multiple hooks to increase their chances of catching more than one fish. If you cast a net, the catch could be dozens of fish.

God has instructed Christians to “fish for people” (see Matt. 4:19). How do we accomplish this? We can witness to one person at a time or share our faith in a group setting. By writing for publications such as The Upper Room, we cast our nets wide over the entire world, increasing our chances of reaching many people who are yearning for a personal relationship with God.

I am thankful for the ministry of The Upper Room and the opportunities it allows for writers around the world to become fishers of people for God’s kingdom.

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Image by: Guy MOLL