More From Navamani Peter

May 27, 2024 by Navamani Peter (Karnataka, India)
Navamani Peter is sitting second from
right in the front row

We lost our son on this day 45 years ago in a swimming accident. Time flies, but the memories stay fresh. God has been healing our family at every step of our life. Thanks, dear Editorial team, for posting my meditation on this day, reminding us of what mother’s love is and how she can overcome her tragedies in life through her faith in Jesus Christ. I am happy that I could share my faith with families around the world. 

God has sustained us through these storms of life, and we continued our responsibilities of God’s mission and ministry thereafter. God has given us grace to submit and surrender our lives to serve God and God’s people. 

In my meditation I wrote about our helper Lakshmi, who came running to our pastor with folded hands to pray for her son’s recovery from an accident. Like the Canaanite woman in Matthew 15:21-28, Lakshmi went from church to church in faith that God would heal her son. God heard her fervent prayer, and her son is now well and able to do his work in a vegetable market.

Lakshmi has been with us for the last 10 years. One day, she sat with me and shared her life’s story of pain and struggle. Her husband left her while she was expecting her child. Her elder sister took care of her until the child was born. Then she had to find her own way to work, earn money, and take care of her son.  She used to carry him on her back and go from house to house to do her work. That was her only financial resource to bring him up.

Now her son is 35, and he has his own family. Lakshmi lives with them and continues to attend church for her spiritual growth. She still works and earns money to contribute to the welfare of her family. 

There are countless women in this world who struggle to live a decent life and provide meals each day for their families. Mothers play a critical role in the family and in society. They keep the family together in good times and bad. A mother’s faith can change the circumstances of her family, as we witness in the life of the Canaanite woman in Matthew 15. Her unwavering faith in Jesus brought healing to her daughter. She had to fight her way through her faith, and Jesus commended her, saying, “Woman, you have great faith. It will be just as you wish” (Matt. 15:28, CEB).

I have a friendly community of faith in our church which supports me with prayer. Recently we met during our Lenten meetings and had wonderful fellowship. We lift up each other constantly in prayer for our needs. We praise God for this great privilege of Christian fellowship.


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Image by: Guy MOLL