The Work of Hope
Hope is a force of God that enlivens us to life. We can easily miss the Read More
In the devotion titled “Close Communion,” I can take no credit. It was simply my capture of the actions of a child on that wonderful communion Sunday. With God’s divine guidance, his message was right before me and I felt compelled to share it.
Through the blessings of life as a mother and grandmother, each year I find a greater appreciation for the children God puts in our life. Surely the great gifts we were blessed to experience throughout the childhoods of our daughter, grandson, and granddaughter are at the forefront of my gratitude. But I also see God’s great blessing through other children I encounter every day. Whether it’s children attending VBS at church or small children in the grocery store, I have seen such wonderful displays of God’s message. The joy I see in the children’s VBS praise time is infectious. And I have received sweet hugs from children for no reason at all! Through the actions of children, I have seen the deep love in their hearts, the wholehearted trust they display, and the joy they find in simple things.
Since “Close Communion” was written, I have learned that the toddler in my devotion is named Michael. What an appropriate name he has been given. It was as though God sent his most powerful angel right into my midst through a heart of love and sweet communion. And through the actions of this little child displaying love for his father, I saw that truly a little child can lead us!
I encourage each of us today to seek out a child and to truly see them for the wonderful creation they are. Let us listen to them and see them on a deeper level. May we put down our distractions, draw close to them, and experience their world. Reach out, hold their tiny dirt-stained hands, and walk with them. In doing so, I believe that we can more greatly see all that God desires in our relationship with him and recognize how God meets us where we are.
Our God wants us to be like a little child in our love, in our trust, and in our joy. May we all come close today and feel God’s wonderful presence!