The meditation was from one of my last garden visits in Georgia—to the University of Georgia extension garden at the Senior center in Canton, Georgia. It is a small but beautiful garden, and the white ginger plants there reminded me of our year in Hawaii on Oahu. They have a wonderful plant collection and even a bog garden. They also have a herb garden with a rosemary plant that has lasted many years in place. Also the chaste tree there, also known as Vitex, is awesome in bloom. In addition, they have classes there and a spring plant sale. I could go on.
Returning to Seattle, after ten years in Georgia has been kind of a culture shock in many ways—politically, socially, and environmentally. It is cold here! The yard of our house—which was rented out—is severely overgrown. It’s a jungle. Two of our rose bushes have died, but one had a nice bloom which I feature here. It is the last rose of fall-early winter.
Someone once said, “God wrote two books: one the Bible and two nature. God is still speaking.”