Prayerful Trust

July 1, 2019 by Lindsay Gray

Jesus prayed, “Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” — Matthew 6:10 (NIV)

We don’t assign themes to our issues; nor do we have any theme in mind when we select a group of devotionals for publication.  We simply look for the stories, perspectives, and insights that we feel will best help readers connect with God and deepen their lives of faith.  And yet, without fail, as I read each issue, I find a common thread woven through many of the writers’ stories that points us to a word from God that goes beyond any one devotion.  In this issue, that theme is prayerful trust.

Throughout this issue, writers share their experiences of illness, grief, natural disaster, uncertainty, or following a sense of calling.  So many of their stories describe prayer as the means by which the writer learns to continually connect to God, to listen for God’s guidance, to depend on the care of people around them, and to find peace in difficult circumstances.  Each writer calls out to God, trusting that God will answer.

It is often tempting to think of prayer as transactional: If I faithfully ask for ________, God will give it to me.  And though sometimes we do experience a quick and direct answer to prayer, often that is not the case.  But praying as Jesus taught us, for God’s will to be done, connects us to God and heightens our awareness of God’s work in our lives.  When we are open to receiving a word from God, we are more likely to notice the opportunities and blessings God gives us every day.  As you read this issue, I hope and pray that you will find new courage to pray and through prayer to trust that God is at work in your life and in the world.

— Lindsay Gray  
   Editorial Director

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The Upper Room magazine's mission is to provide a practical way to listen to scripture, connect with believers around the world, and spend time with God each day.

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