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Since I have a great love and zeal to minister to young gang members, I decided to visit an area where I knew I would find one of the most notorious...
Read MoreWhen I read the story of how Stephen was cast out of the city and stoned to death because of false testimony brought against him, I often wonder how he could...
Read MoreWhen I was in college I had very little money. One Sunday morning I used some of what I had to get to church. While I was in church I felt...
Read MoreOn a day trip, we stopped in a small village. Our children asked why we were there. “Let’s go get a drink,” we said. They thought we would buy soft drinks...
Read MoreRecently I came across a pile of vintage tablecloths that I had collected over the past several years. A cherry-print tablecloth caught my eye. As I unfolded it and ran my...
Read MoreA friend asked me, “What have you learned about God that you didn’t expect to learn?” After taking some time for reflection, I replied that when I first accepted Christ I...
Read MoreI love weddings. I am sometimes asked to arrange the flowers or make bouquets for the event, so I am often one of the many busy people behind the scenes. People...
Read MoreA dear family member recently suffered an infirmity that left her practically incapacitated. Friends and family members flooded her with questions about the hows and whats of her condition. After wrestling...
Read MoreGod told Jonah to deliver a warning to the Ninevites. But the Ninevites were Jonah’s enemies, and the last thing he wanted was to preach God’s message to them. So Jonah...
Read MoreDuring my teaching career I decided to pursue National Board Certification, a rigorous and demanding endorsement. Teachers are allowed only three attempts to pass the certification process. My two young children...
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