Last week, a handful of friends gathered at my family’s house for dinner. Take-out pizzas, compostable paper plates, and red plastic cups filled our table. Three hours later, most of the adults remained deep in conversation while the children ran circles around us.

The unknown author of Hebrews takes it...

God, give me the courage to show hospitality to the sojourner, the immigrant, the refugee, and the stranger. Amen.

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Lectionary Week
August 26—September 1, 2019
Scripture Overview

Jeremiah (the “weeping prophet”) is not very popular in his time. In this passage he relates a message from God that the people have forsaken God (living water) and put their trust in things that can never satisfy (leaky cisterns). The psalmist expresses similar frustration from God. Israel will not listen to God’s voice or receive God’s provision, so God allows them to experience the unfortunate consequences of their choices. The author of Hebrews provides practical advice for living the Christian life: showing hospitality, caring for those in prison, honoring marriage, and avoiding materialism. This ethical living is an offering to God. Jesus reinforces this in his parable of the banquet. We should be generous to those who need it most, not just to those who can provide us some benefit in return.

Questions and Suggestions for Reflection

Read Jeremiah 2:4-13. When have you missed the fountain of living water springing up before you?
Read Psalm 81:1, 10-16. How is God seeking to provide for you? Are you willing to accept God’s satisfying provision?
Read Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16. How do you or your faith community share hospitality? Do you distinguish between friends and strangers?
Read Luke 14:1, 7-14. Whom do you invite to your home and to your church? Do you invite those who cannot repay you or only those who can?

Respond by posting a prayer.