The Work of Hope
Hope is a force of God that enlivens us to life. We can easily miss the Read More
Charles Perry | Read Psalm 79:1-4
A church building in the center of a South African city had to be pulled down because its structure had become unsafe. It was a sad day, as countless preachers had proclaimed the good news of Jesus from its pulpit, and thousands of people over the years had worshiped there....
God of love, we come to you in the midst of the brokenness in the world and the brokenness in our own life. We seek your guidance and love. Hear us and build up our faith. Amen.
The “weeping prophet” grieves for the plight of his people. They have provoked God’s judgment by following foreign gods, and now there is no comfort to be found. The psalmist cries out to God from a similar situation of despair. Foreign nations have overrun the land, destroyed Jerusalem, and killed many of its people. The psalmist cries out to God for compassion and restoration. The author of First Timothy gives his readers two commands. They should pray for and honor their leaders, and they should be faithful to the one true God, with whom they have a relationship through Christ Jesus. Jesus in Luke tells a strange parable about a dishonest manager who is commended for his shrewd business sense, but Jesus turns his story to a teaching about good stewardship.
Read Jeremiah 8:18–9:1. When have you called out to God in your distress?
Read Psalm 79:1-9. As you search after a solution to life’s problems, how do you demonstrate God’s call to love and to justice?
Read 1 Timothy 2:1-7. How do you pray for your local, state or province, and national leaders with whom you agree? with whom you disagree?
Read Luke 16:1-13. How do you negotiate the complexities of Jesus’ call to be a good steward of your resources as you seek to serve God rather than money?
Respond by posting a prayer.