Yesterday we reflected on Isaiah’s prophecy of a Servant whom God sends to live among a people who have experienced disorientation and exile. We learn in verse 4 that this prophecy includes a sense of personal disillusionment: “I have labored in vain.” There are days when we feel the same....

What message does our world need to hear today? What message is God calling you to proclaim?

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Lectionary Week
January 13–19, 2020
Scripture Overview

These readings contain the common theme of the power of spoken testimony. Isaiah begins by telling his audience, “Listen to me!” He then recounts not only his own story but also the promises of restoration given to him by God. The psalmist gives testimony of his experience. Although he has been in a difficult place, God has called him out and has given him a new song of praise to proclaim. Paul and Sosthenes write to the Corinthians to remind them of the powerful testimony that they had given them in person, which was confirmed by God. John the Baptist cries out that Jesus is the Lamb of God and bears testimony to the miraculous signs at the baptism. Our testimony as believers today can be just as powerful.

Questions and Suggestions for Reflection

Read Isaiah 49:1-7. What does it mean to be God’s servant? How does this Servant Song speak of your experiences of serving God?
Read Psalm 40:1-11. When has scripture sustained you? What words have become a real presence to you?
Read 1 Corinthians 1:1-9. When have you turned your gifts inward as a sign of spiritual or social status? How can gratitude help you use your gifts in service to God and others?
Read John 1:29-42. How have you experienced Jesus saying to you, “Come and see”?

Respond by posting a prayer.