The Work of Hope
Hope is a force of God that enlivens us to life. We can easily miss the Read More
Linda Furtado | Read Malachi 3:1-4
Many will come to know Christ in a way that is sudden, as if the messenger were coming for the very first time. Senses will be awakened. Awareness of the reality of God is likely to overwhelm even the formerly faithful who are now back in community with Christ’s church....
Thank you, Lord, for helping us think differently, move daily with purpose, and pray without ceasing. May we follow your call to support one another in being the community of faith. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
The prophet Malachi speaks of a future day when God’s messenger will come to prepare the way for the Lord. The Lord will then purify the people and restore proper worship of God. Christians believe that John the Baptizer was this messenger, preparing the way for Christ. In Luke 1, the Holy Spirit fills Zechariah, John’s father, who proclaims that the fulfillment of God’s promises to their descendants has begun. Luke continues the story of John in chapter 3, describing John’s ministry of calling people to repentance. They need to prepare the way of the Lord in their own hearts, thus fulfilling Malachi’s prophecy. Paul in Philippians focuses not on the advent of Christ but on the ongoing power of Christ’s presence to make us blameless and righteous in God’s sight.
Read Malachi 3:1-4. How have you encountered the refiner’s fire? What was your experience?
Read Luke 1:68-79. In what ways have you experienced God’s tender mercy in your life?
Read Philippians 1:3-11. How do you make expressing your gratitude for others a daily habit?
Read Luke 3:1-6. How are you preparing the way of the Lord? What crooked paths are you helping to make straight?
Respond by posting a prayer.