Even though Jesus just miraculously fed 4,000 people, not counting women and children—with leftovers to prove it—the Pharisees still seek a sign (see Matthew 15:32–16:4). Jesus declares that no sign shall be given to that generation and later says, “There are some standing here who will not taste death before...

Deliver me, Jesus, from the desire to be entertained by the kingdom of God. Help me see the kingdom that calls me to climb higher and see better. Amen.

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Lectionary Week
February 13–19, 2023
Scripture Overview

The Transfiguration is a striking manifestation of the union of humanity and divinity in Christ. In Exodus, Moses goes up the mountain to meet with God, and the divine presence on the mountain is like a consuming fire. The psalmist says that all who take refuge in the Lord are happy. In Second Peter the author declares that the truth of Christ’s message is affirmed by the glory that surrounds Jesus on the mountain and the voice from heaven that confirms his authority. In Matthew’s account, the revelation of the glory of the divine son of God on top of a mountain causes the disciples to fall down in fear. Moses and Elijah are present, demonstrating the continuity of Christ with the prophets and the always overwhelming splendor of God’s presence.

Questions and Suggestions for Reflection

Read Exodus 24:12-18. When have you experienced God’s cleansing and transforming fire?Read Psalm 2. How have you taken refuge in God?Read 2 Peter 1:16-21. How can you be attentive to the light of God in the world around you?Read Matthew 17:1-9. When have you experienced God’s love shining through you?

Respond by posting a prayer.